Duloch Out of School Club

Holiday clubs 2024

Duloch Out of School Club
Duloch Primary School
Nightingale Place
KY11 8LW

Opening hours

Breakfast club
7.45 - 9am
£5.75 per session

After school club
3 - 6pm
£13.75 per session

Holiday club
Full day 7.45am - 6pm, £26.80
Half day 7.45am - 12.45pm / 12.45 - 6pm, £13.95

Contact us

tel: 07515 189 447
email: duloch.oosc@fife.gov.uk

To book contact the Childcare Manager:
Martin Tyrrell

tel: 07515 189 511
email: martin.tyrrell@fife.gov.uk